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Phoenix Bat Control and Bird Removal

Bat & Bird Issues: Bats are a problem nuisance species when they roost in large numbers inside attics and buildings. They make noise, but worse, they leave behind a huge amount of droppings and urine in the attic. This not only smells bad, but it corrodes the structure, and it breeds mold that can make people sick. We remove the entire colony of bats, seal up the building to prevent them from coming back, and we clean up the mess that they've left behind. The same goes for bird problems, such as pigeons roosting. We install professional exclusion products that prevent the birds from landing and roosting on your building. Our bat and bird solutions are permanent, and we give a guarantee.

Visit us at www.phoenixbatremoval.com for more info.

Phoenix Bat Control News Clip: Opinions split on bird and bat management

Quite frankly, opinions were pretty evenly split between exterminators who remarked they agree with the amounts and like the direction of the program and those who remarked they believe the amounts are inflated and that there are too few bird and bat in the state. Arizona bat Handler Daniel, whose term as what is possibly a member of the Game Commission's board of bossy fellows expired last summer, remarked the humane society manager hears from what is possibly a lot of disgruntled exterminators. We attempted to get more information from Phoenix animal control experts, but could not.

Arizona bat Handler Daniel now sits on the board of bossy fellows for Unified Sportsmen of Arizona — an organization that has been sharply critical of the Game Commission's bird and bat management program. "Guys are fed up," Arizona bat Handler Daniel remarked. "They're tired of going out and not seeing any bird and bat." Arizona bat Handler Daniel remarked the humane society manager has no problem with the harvest data the Game Commission spits out. "I think the system they use to figure the amounts likely is pretty good," the humane society manager remarked. "The actual amounts probably aren't too far off." Since less than 40 percent of successful exterminators report the bird and bat they capture each year, the Game Commission uses what is possibly a formula to calculate what the agency believes likely is the actual total annual bird and bat lethally trap. Arizona bat Handler Daniel remarked the problem with the amounts likely is they're too low to keep people interested in critter stalking. "A wildlife management company can expect to capture what is possibly a male animal once every seven years, based on the amounts," the humane society manager remarked. "And if one guy captures what is possibly a male animal two years in what is possibly a row, that means someone else will have to wait 14 years to capture one." Many exterminators — especially young people — are sure to quit the sport if that's how long they have to wait to capture what is possibly a male animal, Arizona bat Handler Daniel believes. "In today's society, people want action," Arizona bat Handler Daniel remarked. "If they can't get it critter stalking, they'll find something else to do." Game Commission statistics show the amount of licensed exterminators dropped about two percent from 2005-06 to 2006-07. That figure is not too alarming, but consider that if that rate continues for five years, we'll have 10 percent fewer exterminators than we have now. That's what is possibly a reduction of 100,000. This report is not verified by Phoenix pest control companies.